Mug - People Plan, G-d Laughs
Code: 78/XXX402Related products
Kosher mezuzah scroll 7 cm long - KOSHER!!. Ashkenazi kosher scroll with crowns above the letters! MADE in ISRAEL! Discover the beauty and sanctity of a traditional mezuzah...
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Beautiful blue car Mezuzah with small Hamsas, made of hardened plexiglass. MADE IN ISRAEL! Size: 6 x 1.5 cm Includes double-sided adhesive tape for attachment.
To have your own Megillat Esther scroll... May be a secret dream. A dream, that can become a reality. To read the story of Esther from a printed book doesn´t have to be a...
To have your own Megillat Esther scroll... May be a secret dream. A dream, that can become a reality. To read the story of Esther from a printed book doesn´t have to be a...
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Product detailed description
Mainly not to go crazy over it!
Stress at work and also at home? Hectic days? Is everything hanging on you? Something just doesn't work out, so how should it? Try to stop, that's just the way it is sometimes. And sometimes it is necessary to remember it.
You can easily see this wisdom several times a day.
Empress Elisabeth of Austria (born Duchess Elisabeth in Bavaria; 24 December 1837 – 10 September 1898) was Empress of Austria and Queen of...
Height 2.8 cm, widest diameter 2.3 cm, inscription Praha (Prague) and the Star of David, ceramics.
A used pair of Tiffany & Co Crystal Jewish candlesticks artistically crafted from glass. Modeled after the Plymouth first introduced in 1999. Hexagonal tapered shape of...
Small pendant - Star of David in a circle
Beautiful toy for jewish children - ca 30 cm tall plush Torah
Mezuzah - Only a case for a scroll. You can buy kosher scroll separately. dimensions (wxdxh): 95x20x15 mm surface finish: gold, silver, old-brass, anthracite...
With these beautiful miniature candlesticks, you can continue the ritual of lighting Shabbat candles even when away from home. These silver-plated candlesticks are decorated...