Four Letters of the G-d's name Yod-Hey-Waw-Hey - Sticker on the Wall or Glass
Code: 203826Related products
57% KOSHER, takže já si obvykle v IF Cafe dávám vajíčka s vepřovou šunkou)) Ale jsou DOKONALÉ! Ty si dej na co máš chuť!
Ben Porat with "Ana be-Khoah" prayer and a combination of angel's names: LD, MHS, SAL and MBH and it means: Ana, lamadni datecha / Me-olam hu shemecha / Seter at li /...
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"May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; may the Lord turn his...
Kniha svátků (Sefer hachagim) provede čtenáře, děti a spolu s nimi jejich rodiče či pedagogy tradicemi a významem jednotlivých židovských svátků.
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Product detailed description
Dimensions: 10 x 15 x 20 cm
Barbra Streisand and Gershwin. Petra Ernyei publishes an album in which she connects her jazz and Jewish roots. The prominent Czech jazz singer Petra Ernyei, who traveled to...
Traditional handmade Havdalah candle with 6 wicks. Length: cca 26 cm Made in Israel
Perfect Jewish Yiddish mug >>> "People plan, G-d laughs"
With these beautiful miniature candlesticks, you can continue the ritual of lighting Shabbat candles even when away from home. These silver-plated candlesticks are decorated...
To have your own Megillat Esther scroll... May be a secret dream. A dream, that can become a reality. To read the story of Esther from a printed book doesn´t have to be a...
Mug - Albert Einstein "You don´t have to be a GENIUS to love Israel, but you are a MADMAN, if you don´t love him."
Perfect aluminum knife for Shabbat challah, 30 cm, light colored handle and stand in the shape of a pomegranate, "shabbat ve-yom tov" inscription on the blade.