Rosh Hashanah, Page 2

55 items total
Blue alarm clock "Modeh Ani" - for boys
New Tip

The perfect tool for children - an alarm clock that recites the "Modeh Ani" prayer when pressed. Variant for boys, blue numbers and letters. Plastic, 10 cm. Modeh Ani is a...

Code: 214374
John Joseph Owens: Analytical Key to the Old testament, vol. 4 (Isaiah-Malachi)
€45,81 –22 %

Author: John Joseph Owens Copyright 1989 by Baker Book House Company Fourth printing, January 1996 ISBN 0-8010-6713-8

Code: 78/XXX805
John Joseph Owens: Analytical Key to the Old testament, vol. 3 (Ezra-Song of Solomon)
€45,81 –22 %

Author: John Joseph Owens Copyright 1991 by Baker Book House Company Third printing, April 1995 ISBN 0-8010-6715-4

Code: 78/XXX804
New Tip
€1 873,98 –18 %
€1 524,17

Wrought silver Jahrzeit commemorative table with inscription in memory of Mrs. Chaja Blaiš - Yvette Bellaiche and the date of her death March 3, 1941 17 cm high,...

Code: 78/XXX735
Box 6 puzzles - Jewish blessings
New Tip

It is the best to learn by a GAME! Set of six puzzles with motifs of Jewish blessings for your children.

Code: 212493
Blue Velvet Yemenite Shofar Bag Lion of Judah for Shofar 36 to 46 inches+85 21189 920x800
New Tip

Baeutiful velvet cover for Shofar, from Israel.

Code: 211737
product UK90128

Paper crown with a wish for happy birthday.

Code: 211125
židovský kalendář
New Tip

Reproduction of a nice author's calendar of Christian-Jewish holidays and memorial days.

Code: 78/XXX604
s l1600
New Tip
from €22,90

Sizes: Size 1 - 50x20 cm (Ages 1-2) Size 2 - 66x25 cm (Ages 2-3) Size 3 - 70x28 cm (Ages 3-4) Size 4 - 80x33 cm (Ages 5-7) Size 5 - 99x33 cm (Ages 8-10) Size 6 - 100x40 cm...

Code: 205376/SIZ
pet knih mojzisovych

Současné hebrejsko-české vydání Chamiša chumšej Tora - Pěti knih Mojžíšových přináší úplný hebrejský text základního textu judaismu spolu s paralelně tištěným českým překladem,...

Code: 87485
Honey Dish with Spoon - Stainless Steel - Rosh Hashana is Yours!
New Tip

Honey dish with spoon for Rosh Hashanah's HONEY must be yours!

Code: 83000
Set 3 Cookie Cutters - Rosh Hashanah
New Tip

Set of 3 cookie cutters - for sweets, gingerbreads, cheese or creating from ceramics... Shapes: 1) glass of wine, candle, latkes 2) apple, fish, shofar

Code: 82424/JAB
from €24,99

For your good and sweet year!

Code: 37350/4 R
T-shirt - Shofar
from €24,99

Shofar (hebrew: שׁוֹפָר‎‎) is an ancient musical horn typically made of a ram´s horn, used for Jewish religious purposes. It is blown in synogogue services on Rosh...

Code: 37342/4 R
T-shirt - SHANA TOVA
from €24,99

Nice T-shirt for Rosh Hashanah with a pomegranate!

Code: 37340/4 R
Hoodie - Star of David with pomegranate

The best for Rosh Hashanah!

Code: 20983/S
T-shirt - "Já za to nemohu, neměl jsem chuť na jablka" - It´s not my fault, I had no appetite for apples BLACK
from €24,99

Black design "It´s not my fault, I had no appetite for apples"

Code: 160/4 R
T-shirt - "Já za to nemohu, neměl jsem chuť na jablka" - It´s not my fault, I had no appetite for apples WHITE
from €24,99

White variant "It´s not my fault, I had no appetite for apples"

Code: 159/4 R

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