This holiday commemorates the victory over Haman, minister of the Persian king Ahasuerus, who wanted to exterminate the Jewish people. The entire story is described in the Book of Esther. It was Esther who, through her wit, prevented the pogrom. The massacre was supposed to take place on the 13th day of the month of Adar. Haman determined the day by lot. This is also why Purim is sometimes called the Festival of Lots. In the Gregorian calendar, the celebrations usually fall at the turn of February and March.
How we celebrate: Exuberance comes to the fore. Carnivals are held, wine flows freely, theater is performed, and concerts are organized. However, there are also 4 important obligations associated with the holiday. It is necessary to read from the Book of Esther and whenever Haman's name is heard, to make as much noise as possible with noisemakers, stomping, or whistling. Gifts are also sent to at least two people. The same applies to donating food.
What we eat: Purim is preceded by fasting, so there is traditionally great interest in food. Fish, challah, fruit, vegetables, sweets, and wine. Lots of wine. Adults are supposed to drink more wine than usual. The imaginary goal is not to recognize the difference between the kind Mordecai and the insidious Haman. Haman himself also appears on the table in the form of triangles of crispy dough filled with either plum jam or poppy seeds - Haman's ears.
What we wish: "Purim sameach," meaning "happy Purim." However, some can't resist adding the word "kosher" to the wish. This is to ensure that people, even in their uninhibitedness, don't forget about appropriate behavior.
Excellent red wine from Israel from the Tishbi winery. The Cabernet Syrah variety, year 2020.
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