WWII MEMOIRS - Brenda Love, PhD.
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Product detailed description
Many of us never explore the effects war has on future generations. How many of your families were torn apart? How many lost their homes or businesses? How many of you lived with a survivor who suffered from nightmares? How would all our lives be different if there had been no war?
More than 50 international writers have contributed their family’s WWII experiences to these memoirs.
The stories include Veterans, Camp Survivors, Hidden Children, Emigres, POWs, Partisans, and Women Aviators. Many had to overcome a great sadness as they wrote, but despite this felt it was important to document these, the darkest days of our history. The strength, courage, and perseverance in these stories reminds us that the human spirit will not be broken.
Experience WWII through these stories of incredible men and women who lived it.
BRENDA LOVE is a psychologist and the author of several non-fiction books and plays. She has been a counsellor on the San Mateo Suicide Hotline and the National AIDS Hotline, a member of the Mystery Writers of America, and the 99’s--a club of licensed female pilots. She currently lives in Prague and is a member of the International Woman’s Association and a volunteer at Hagibor, a senior residence for Holocaust survivors.