Roš Chodeš - 5784 | Duben 2024
Code: 216657Related products
Kniha komentářů rav Jigala Ariela k biblické knize Ester. Publikace se skládá ze dvou hlavních části – česko-hebrejské bilingvy svitku Ester (v překladu rabína Karola E. Sidona)...
Autor postupuje svojí tradiční metodou místopisného průvodce a přibližuje čtenáři místa v dnešní České republice, na kterých zřídila nacistická okupační moc nebo protektorátní...
Kniha Ve stínu šoa: Československá exilová vláda a Židé během druhé světové války a po ní se zabývá obdobím od mnichovské dohody z roku 1938 po komunistický puč v únoru 1948....
Ben Porat with "Ana be-Khoah" prayer and a combination of angel's names: LD, MHS, SAL and MBH and it means: Ana, lamadni datecha / Me-olam hu shemecha / Seter at li /...
Sizes: Size 1 - 50x20 cm (Ages 1-2) Size 2 - 66x25 cm (Ages 2-3) Size 3 - 70x28 cm (Ages 3-4) Size 4 - 80x33 cm (Ages 5-7) Size 5 - 99x33 cm (Ages 8-10) Size 6 - 100x40 cm...
The design of the #COHEN57 T-shirts was created as a prostest. At the time of the First Temple, the Cohens had an irreplaceable place not only in the spiritual...
The design of the #COHEN57 T-shirts was created as a prostest. At the time of the First Temple, the Cohens had an irreplaceable place not only in the spiritual...
The design of the #COHEN57 T-shirts was created as a prostest. At the time of the First Temple, the Cohens had an irreplaceable place not only in the spiritual...
The design of the #COHEN57 T-shirts was created as a prostest. At the time of the First Temple, the Cohens had an irreplaceable place not only in the spiritual...
Traditional high-quality wool Tallis - Tallit - 100% wool - various sizes. Classic Atara with silver embroidery, black stripes. Made in Israel, 100% kosher certified. Contains...
Perfect Jewish Yiddish mug >>> "People plan, G-d laughs"
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Barbra Streisand and Gershwin. Petra Ernyei publishes an album in which she connects her jazz and Jewish roots. The prominent Czech jazz singer Petra Ernyei, who traveled to...