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"It was given to me in 1993 in Israel by Mota Gur, a former general and hero of the Six Day War, in that time the 1st Deputy Minister of Defense of Rabin's government. At that...
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Children LOVE these peanut puffs! And they know why, because they are tasty, 100% kosher, 100% Israeli and made of 100% natural sources. 25 g. Made in Israel.
Children LOVE these peanut puffs! And they know why, because they are tasty, 100% kosher, 100% Israeli and made of 100% natural sources. 25 g. Made in Israel.
Kniha svátků (Sefer hachagim) provede čtenáře, děti a spolu s nimi jejich rodiče či pedagogy tradicemi a významem jednotlivých židovských svátků.
Ve studii JUDAISMUS V TEREZÍNSKÉM GHETTU se autorka zaměřila na postavení judaismu, na udržování židovských tradic a zvyků v podmínkách...
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Autor: Padevět Jiří Recenze knihy na Shekel.cz