Lidé svatých zemí | People of the Holy Lands - Marek Čejka
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The photo book Seven Blessings is intended as a glimpse into a world which is quite distant and little known at present. It should provide a picture of a community, which guards its treasures primarily in the hearts of its members and which is allowed to shine out in these black and white photographs. The name of the book refers to the ritual of the Seven Blessings (sheva brachot), which are recited during the Jewish wedding ceremony. Meetings of traditional Jews of various streams at the graves of renowned scholars, rabbis and tsaddiks, which is the theme of the accompanying texts by Daniel Soukup, are a kind of mystical engagement, in which the souls of this world are linked with the world to come. The seven listed rabbinic yahrzeits (anniversaries of deaths), depicted with an objective camera by Jindřich Buxbaum, are also the stories of seven celebrated spiritual leaders who amount to a permanent blessing for the Jewish community.