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Judaism and Love: Essays on Jewish Thought and Translations from the Lurianic Kabbalah (Josef Blaha) Skladem

Judaism and Love: Essays on Jewish Thought and Translations from the Lurianic Kabbalah (Josef Blaha)

Code: 78/XXX889
Judaism and Love: Essays on Jewish Thought and Translations from the Lurianic Kabbalah (Josef Blaha)


Author: Josef Blaha

Published in Prague, 2019

ISBN 978-80-270-6850-0

Judaism and love : essays on Jewish thought and translations from the Lurianic Kabbalah / Josef Blaha. -- First Edition. -- Praha : Josef Blaha, 2019. -- 136 pages

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"This book "Judaism and Love" consists of two essays and two translations from Aramaic and Hebrew into English. The translations are in the field of the Lurianic Kabbalah, especially the translation by Rabbi Joseph ibn Tabul (ca. 1545-1610), one of the most beloved disciples of Rabbi Isaac Luria. It is the first translation of his work into English. Up to now nearly all translations in the field of Lurianic Kabbalah are from the work of Rabbi Hayim Vital. This book wants to be new in the research of the Lurianic Kabbalah."

Josef Blaha was born in Brno in the year 1963. He has been teaching the Jewish Studies at the Charles University in Prague since 1998. In last ten years he teaches the Holocaus Studies and Introduction in the Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism. He published eighteen books in the field of Jewish studies. Among them are three translations from Hebrew and Aramaic into English in the years 2015-2018. His main field of academic interest is the book Zohar and the philosophy and theology of Rabbi Luria.

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ZD Avatar of author Zdenka Danzigová | 14/03/2025
Úžasně vstřícní.
AP Avatar of author Aleš Pozdník | 10/03/2025
Velmi spokojen a moc rád zde nakupuji.
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Naprosto a zcela spokojen.
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BH Avatar of author Barbora Hrzánová | 28/02/2025
Dnes nejsem spokojená. Dorazila polovina zboží. Věřím,že toto nedorozumění brzy napravíte. Děkuju. Barbora Hrzánová
VB Avatar of author Vendulka Bočková | 16/02/2025
Naprosto 100%
ML Avatar of author Marek Liba | 14/02/2025
Skvělá rychlost!
KM Avatar of author Kerstin Milferstädt-Conrad | 14/02/2025
Ausgezeichnet! Freue mich auf persönlichen Besuch!
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Místo, kam se rád vracím! :-)
ZW Avatar of author Zdeněk Wertheim | 31/01/2025
Ano, vše v pořádku.
PL Avatar of author Pavel Lazarov | 29/01/2025
Jako vždy - přesnost, perfektní kvalita produktů.
VS Avatar of author Vladimír Soukup | 28/01/2025
Tento obchod je naprosto skvělý jak svou nabídkou, cenami a hlavně přístupem všech těch skvělých lidí, kteří v něm pracují✡️ Rád se sem vždy vracím🕎
MK Avatar of author Menclova Kveta | 25/01/2025
spokojenost rychle doruceni ,budou dalsi nakupy.
Avatar of author Pavel Černý | 25/01/2025
Velmi spokojený a na další nákupy se už velmi těším 🇨🇿🇮🇱
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Rychlé doručení,perfektně zabaleno.Maximální spokojenost!
JS Avatar of author Jan Stefina | 20/01/2025
Rychlé doručení,perfektně zabaleno.Maximální spokojenost!
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