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Discovering the Torah with Rabbi Luria and Rabbi Vital (Josef Blaha) Skladem

Discovering the Torah with Rabbi Luria and Rabbi Vital (Josef Blaha)

Code: 78/XXX890
Discovering the Torah with Rabbi Luria and Rabbi Vital (Josef Blaha)


Author: Josef Blaha

Published in Prague, 2018, first edition

ISBN 978-80-270-4324-8

Discovering the Torah with Rabbi Luria and Rabbi Vital / Josef Blaha. -- First edition. -- Prague : Josef Blaha, 2018.

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Rabbi Isaac Luria (1534-1572) was undoubtedly the greatest Kabbalist in the history of Jewish Mysticism after the expulsion of the Jews from Spain. His best friend and disciple, Rabbi Hayyim Vital (1542-1620) wrote down the preachings of Rabbi Luria.
As Rabbi Luria did not write a lot, but mainly preached, the disciples of Rabbi Luria entrusted Rabbi Vital to write down the teaching of Rabbi Isaac Luria. This is known as the kitve'i ha'Ari - "the Writings of the Ari". But the name is slightly misleading, as the Ari himself did not written them, and Rabbi Vital meticulously guarded them so that nobody could get access to them. Most probably, it was Rabbi Shmu'el Vital, the son of Rabbi Hayyim Vital who edited most of them.
Only very few of the writings of Rabbi Hayyim Vital were translated into English: these were two first part of the se'fer etz ha'hay'im - "The Tree of Life", the Magnum Opus of the Lurianic Kabbalah, and the book shaa'rei kdu'sha - "The Gates of Holiness". The book Discovering the Torah with Rabbi Luria and Rabbi Vital is partially translated from the oldest manuscript of the Torah - Commentary by Rabbi Vital, printed in Vilnius in the year 1879 based upon the Amsterdam edition which was printed in the year 1774, and partially on the classic modern edition of the book se'fer ha'likutim - Vital's Torah Commentary based upon the teaching of his Master, Rabbi Isaac Luria Ashkenazi, the Ari - The Lion. This book is translation of part of the para'shat bere'shit - The First Torah Portion "In The Beginning".

Josef Blaha was born in Brno, Czech Republic in 1963, and is lecturer in Jewish Studies and specializes in Jewish Mysticism. He published fourteen books in Czech and in English dealing with Judaism and especially with Jewish Mysticism. Josef Blaha teaches the US students at the Charles University in Prague.

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ZD Avatar of author Zdenka Danzigová | 14/03/2025
Úžasně vstřícní.
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Velmi spokojen a moc rád zde nakupuji.
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Naprosto a zcela spokojen.
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Dnes nejsem spokojená. Dorazila polovina zboží. Věřím,že toto nedorozumění brzy napravíte. Děkuju. Barbora Hrzánová
VB Avatar of author Vendulka Bočková | 16/02/2025
Naprosto 100%
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Skvělá rychlost!
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Ausgezeichnet! Freue mich auf persönlichen Besuch!
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Místo, kam se rád vracím! :-)
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Ano, vše v pořádku.
PL Avatar of author Pavel Lazarov | 29/01/2025
Jako vždy - přesnost, perfektní kvalita produktů.
VS Avatar of author Vladimír Soukup | 28/01/2025
Tento obchod je naprosto skvělý jak svou nabídkou, cenami a hlavně přístupem všech těch skvělých lidí, kteří v něm pracují✡️ Rád se sem vždy vracím🕎
MK Avatar of author Menclova Kveta | 25/01/2025
spokojenost rychle doruceni ,budou dalsi nakupy.
Avatar of author Pavel Černý | 25/01/2025
Velmi spokojený a na další nákupy se už velmi těším 🇨🇿🇮🇱
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Rychlé doručení,perfektně zabaleno.Maximální spokojenost!
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Rychlé doručení,perfektně zabaleno.Maximální spokojenost!
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