Kosher Winery Chrámce


4 items total

Excellent non-alcoholic white grape must, 100% kosher Müller Thurgau variety

Code: 206249
Kosher Czech country wine Zweigeltrebe semi-sweet red 2015  na kiduš

Zweigeltrebe semi-sweet red wine appropriate for Kiddush.

Code: 40373
Zweigeltrebe rosé - semi-sweet rose wine  košer víno vyrobené pro Kiduš

Wine made for kiddush, when it is customary to drink wine of this type.  

Code: 41608
New Tip
Code: 217212

Czech winery Chrámce s.r.o. is the main producer of kosher wines in the Czech Republic. Kosher wines are produced by orthodox Jews to meet the requirements of Judaism. This means, among other things, that from grape processing to bottle corking, only Jews who observe Shabbat (Saturday) can participate in the entire production process. The entire production of kosher wines is fully separated from the production of other wines. Only kosher ingredients can be added to kosher wines. Kosher wines are pasteurized at 85-87°C before bottling, and therefore can be labeled as jajin mevushal. Chrámce has been producing kosher wines since 1994.