Bar Mitzvah

Bar Mitzvah

This is a big day for every 13-year-old boy. He becomes "an adult". He spends his first service after his 13th birthday among men, is called to read from the Torah, puts on prayer straps, and is fully responsible for his decisions and his approach to matters of faith.

How we celebrate: The boy and his family celebrate primarily. The Shabbat when one of the boys undergoes bar mitzvah is even more beautiful than usual. Aunts hold back tears, adding: "Time flies so terribly fast", the boy suddenly has a manly expression on his face, and of course, a celebration follows. The boy often receives gifts. Usually, there are 18 of them. These include the first tallit, tefillin prayer straps, or religious books. An envelope with money intended for studies is not uncommon.

What we eat: As at every celebration, there are delicacies of all colors and flavors. Kosher, of course. Adults like to have a glass of good wine or beer, and children enjoy grape juice, for example.

What we wish: The traditional "Mazel Tov!" is heard throughout the day. It also appears on congratulations and greeting cards. It's simply a congratulation.

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